What is Kotodama?

 ‘Kotodama‘ can be roughly translated as “word spirit” and refers to the belief that spiritual power resides in words. Therefore, when Kanji characters are used in a specific and distinct way, they have divine power to affect reality.

Please use Kanji properly because….

I have seen many foreigners misuse Japanese-Kanji as they use them as logos on t-shirts, tattoos, emblems, banners, etc. It has also come to my attention that even the famous Hollywood movies use Japanese-Kanji inaptly. When you look at some scenes of these movies intently, you’ll realize how distorted the meanings of these Japanese-Kanji are.
This shouldn’t be the case because it is believed that the spiritual power resides in the language. This is called ‘Kotodama’ (koto = language, dama = spirit or soul).

Therefore, if you want to use Kanji as a logo or symbol for business or personal use, you may want to consider consulting an expert to benefit fully from it.

Kanji is powerful and useful when used properly.

In this channel, I would like to introduce many Kanji in English for free alongside with their meanings.
